Cross Connection Control Testing

Bay Area Backflow, Inc. technicians are certified and licensed to provide cross-connection control testing and surveys throughout California and Nevada. In addition to providing these types of services for several years throughout the Greater Bay Area in such cities as San Jose, Milpitas, Mountain View, Hayward, Redwood City, etc. we have expanded our service areas. If you have a project that needs cross connection control surveys or testing in Los Angeles, San Diego, Las Vegas, Reno, Sacramento, Napa or anywhere else in California or Nevada, we are the right people for the job and have the knowledge and expertise to handle any of your needs or requirements.

To determine if a real or potential connection exists between the potable water system and any other non-potable source or system, including recycled water, industrial fluids, fuel or any other substance. It is the responsibility of the cross connection control specialist to identify and determine if a deficiency exists, the degree of hazard and make a recommendation for correction. If you are a business in the medical field, manufacturing, food processing, a winery or use recycled water, etc. you may be required to complete a cross-connection shutdown test or survey by either your local water purveyor or the State of California Department of Health Services.

To obtain a quote for cross-connection control testing, an onsite meeting is required along with any plans that the customer may have. Once the proposal is approved, we coordinate a schedule with you and all necessary city or water company personnel. We will provide all the scheduling and personnel requirements in writing so you know exactly what is required and the time frame that the test will be completed. During the cross connection test, both the potable water and any additional water sources on the property will be shut down as per the requirement of UPC Appendix J and the water retailer. Once the test is complete, a written report documenting the test results will be submitted by the certified cross-connection control specialist to the customer/site supervisor and the recycled water purveyor or state agency.

In the case of new construction or retrofit to recycled water, once the water purveyor receives the signed certification from the cross-connection specialist, the recycled water meter will be installed by the water purveyor. After the meter is installed, the site supervisor and a representative of the water purveyor must perform a final inspection called a coverage test to ensure all requirements have been met. This inspection ensures that all required identification tags, labels and sign are in place and that all the pertinent recycled water use regulations are in compliance with the site's permit.

Throughout the Bay Area, we have completed cross-connection control tests for commercial businesses, tech headquarters, campuses, high schools, parks, apartment complexes, homeowner associations, and power plants, wineries, etc. We have the experience and knowledge to complete your project.

Please contact us today at 800-400-1008 (within California) or 408-848-5200 to discuss your specific project with one of our licensed cross-connection control specialists.

References are available upon request.

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